DAPS Version 1.0.5 Includes a Lite Mode

We recently release a wallet upgrade and the feedback so far has been amazing. Wallets function better, faster and less forking is happening.
Here are Some of the key Upgrades and Information to Note
Supported Versions
There are also going to be some changes to the support process.
The current supported operating systems are the following:
- Windows 10 64bit
- Windows 10 32bit
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Mac OS Mojave
- Raspberry Pi
What Does V1.0.5.7 Entail?
DAPS Coin Version v1.0.5 (incl. v1.0.5.1 through v1.0.5.7)
Improvements Made
– Qt: Check and inform if a blank space is found at the end of a Mnemonic Recovery Phrase entry
– Qt: Update to Qt LTS v5.9.9
– Qt: Don’t auto-ban whitelisted nodes
– Qt: Exit the Create Coin Stake loop if keychain wallet is currently locked
– Qt: Improved the “Are You Sure?” dialog when sending a transaction; also now shows the estimated transaction fee
– Qt: Restore appMenuBar (File Menu)
– Qt: Added links for Help, FAQ, Block Explorer API, Socials, and other useful items to appMenuBar
– Qt: Default to sort by Confirmations on History screen
– Qt: Add function to “Show DAPScoin Folder” — F2 shortcut or in menus
– Qt: Updated translations
– RPC: New resyncfrom command — used to invalidate and resync from a certain block
– RPC: New rescan command — used to rescan wallet from 0 (a simplified rescanwallettransactions)
– RPC: Provide feedback by outputting a “Done” message for any command that has finished running in the background
– RPC: Added more output when launching daemon (currently version, masternode or not)
– Qt/RPC: New .conf file option minersleep= (default 30000 = 30sec) to change how often the miner thread sleeps
– Qt/RPC: Add locked, immature to getbalances
– Qt/RPC: Various upstream improvements
– Qt: Introduce a basic Lite Mode wallet — disabling Staking/Masternodes for a simpler wallet experience
– Checkpoints for better syncing
– Updated Depends system from upstream
– Updated debug logging
Bugs Fixed
– Qt: Fix false positive error about duplicate proof of stake
– Qt: Fix double-locked coin when wallet and MN are on the same machine
– Qt: Windows keychain wallet sometimes gets stuck in endless ‘rebuild database’ UI loop
– Qt: Fix sort by Confirmations on History screen
– Qt: Fix Spendable showing Locked coins
– Added Linux AppImage download option for QT (dapscoin-qt.AppImage.zip)
– Added support for riscv64-Linux-gnu
Release Highlights:
Stuck on a fork? No more messing with block hashes.
Now you can enter the Debug Console and use resync from BlockNumber to get back on track.
Need to rescan? Simpler rescan function added.
Jump into the Debug Console and enter rescan to have your whole wallet rescanned.
Not interested in Staking or Masternodes?
Set litemode=1 in your dapscoin.conf to enable “Lite Mode” with these functions turned off. This allows for less CPU usage and a simpler UI.
Important about Lite Mode:
If you are running masternodes DO NOT switch on Lite Mode as you won’t receive rewards.
If you want to stake DO NOT switch on Lite Mode as you won’t receive rewards.
Read the full blog on our website to upgrade your wallet: