DAPS Coin Blockchain Bootstrap 1

This is an OLD article, please ensure you always check the article version releases for DAPS bootstraps and wallet updates. Our latest bootstrap that is correct can be found in THIS ARTICLE
If you are experiencing that your DAPS wallet is not correctly syncing or that you are stuck on a fork (below block 42050) then you can use the following to get you up to speed faster:
1. Go to THIS LINK (NOT available anymore) and download the zip file. 130MB in size.
2. Extract the contents of the zip file.
2 Close your QT wallet if it is running.
4. Go to your appdata folder (where the blocks folder is)
5. Delete the folders named “blocks”, “chainstate”, and if available also “database”
6. Place the folders and the peers file in the .zip file into your DAPScoin folder.
7. Restart your QT wallet.
8. Leave your wallet alone so that it can reindex and rescan if needed. Do not do anything with it.
This should get you past all the naughty little forks 😏 and up to speed with the main chain.
Again, depending on your computer setup downloading files and uploading files and syncing can take a while. Please be patient.