DAPS and CoinGekco Launch Winners

Congrats to our 10 DAPS and CoinGecko mainnet celebration winners!! 👏🏼
See the widget > https://gleam.io/competitions/tOv1S-daps-mainnet-launch-celebration-giveaway

Please email adel @ dapscoin.com from the email you used to enter. Other verifcation could also be asked for to double check your email to Adel against your entry to ensure the right winner gets their prize. If you can’t be verified your prize will be re-drawn. You have until the 13th Oct to email Adel or your prize will be redrawn.
Send the following to claim your prize:
- You need to email your Enjin QR code for your 2x collectibles.
- Your DAPS COIN address to receive your 500k coins.
- Your postal address for receiving your CoinGecko swag.
Prizes will be processed and sent early next week. 👍🏻
Congrats! 🥂